Business is like soccer. It is a team game. It is a game of pass. 

You cannot run through the whole field on your own with a ball and score a goal. There are a lot of opponents playing against you. You need to structure your game so that every player plays a role, passing the ball from one team member to another.

Your team takes the ball to the opposite gates, and the last person to possess the ball must be the one who has the best skill to kick a goal. This goal is a team achievement. Actions from an individual player with superpowers can help to win one or two games but not the championship.

The Cup is always a team result. 

First, as a team coach, can you effectively manage the game if you are always in the field trying to obtain the ball? Doubtful. You cannot even see the whole field. You may score a couple of goals by being a super player, but you’ll burn out quickly and won’t last the whole match. 

The coach, who manages the whole team, should always be on the side observing the game and correcting the strategy.

As a coach, you want to make sure every team player does the job they are best at. Imagine if the best goalkeeper who is an average forward kept leaving the gate to try and score a goal? It is a waste of skill and resource. The business equivalent of this is when salespeople spend 50% of their time doing data entry or admin tasks.

People love doing what they are good at. It is their superpower. It fuels them up. There are people who love admin work; there are people who love data entry; there are people who love data analysis. Let everyone in your team play the role they are best at.  

In a soccer team, most of the players have a backup. If something goes off the plan, if the responsible person is away from their position for some reason, there must be someone who can cover the gap. Maybe not as best as the original player but it should not ruin the whole game. 

Finally, team players must not only effectively communicate with the coach but between each other, as well as have a right to make quick operational decisions. It is imperative. Holding the ball for an extra second waiting for the command from the coach may become a game-changer.

Are you a coach or a player? Who is managing the game? Are your team players at the right place using their full potential?